The Construction industry, Real Estate industry and hence the Building Inspection industry is now able to start work at Alert level 3 although under very strict guidelines. The NZ Institute of Building Inspectors has prepared guidelines for their members to use during Alert Levels 3 and 2.
All Building Inspections will be working within the recommended guidelines and will distribute the following policy to their clients prior to an inspection. A further copy will also be sent to the Real Estate Agent to pass on to the vendor/ tenant so that everyone is notified of the procedure prior to an inspection taking place.
When arriving at the property the inspector will require the names of all people onsite on the day of the inspection. This information will help with the “tracking and tracing” process should it be found that someone on site has been exposed to the Covid-19 virus.
When arriving on site the inspector will maintain the required physical distancing put in place to stop the spread of the virus – i.e. staying at least 2 metres from any other person.
The Real Estate Agent/Vendor will be asked to open the house and everyone at the property will be asked to either sit in their cars or leave the site.
The inspector will set up all inspection equipment outside of the dwelling and their vehicle including all PPE equipment and a rubbish bag, so that disposable gloves and materials can be removed without potentially contaminating the dwelling and vehicle.
The inspector will sanitize his hands and leave the sanitizing bottle on the car bonnet or an easily accessible position for use when the inspection is completed.
The exterior inspection will be carried out as per normal.
Before entering the dwelling to inspect the interior the inspector will confirm that no one else is within the dwelling – including the Real Estate Agent/Vendor and any occupants.
The inspector will put on a multi-use mask over his face and wear disposable gloves with single use boot covers.
After completion of the interior inspection the inspector will dispose of gloves and boot covers in his rubbish bag and completely sanitize his hands before taking off his mask to pack up. Everything that goes into his vehicle will be sanitized to avoid cross contamination. This will include everything used on site- ladders, moisture meters, head torch, tapes, mirrors, socket tester and camera.
If the inspector has to go back into their vehicle during the inspection, PPE gear will be removed and hands sanitised before touching their vehicle, and then again before putting PPE gear back on.
If the inspector does not feel safe and/or the occupants of the dwelling do not agree to follow our safety requirements when asked, then he will NOT enter the dwelling.
Ian Hall NZIBI 24.04.20